Children’s Health


All routine vaccination appointments are organised by Anthony at Beech House Surgery. Instead of an appointment slip being sent to your home they are sent to the surgery and a phone call will be made to organise an appointment date and time. If you have not been contacted at least a week in advance of your child’s next vaccination please ring the surgery.

Dr Hull carries out development checks on children at 8 weeks of age, coinciding with the child’s first immunisations. Subsequent assessments are performed by the Health Visitors next door at Hazel Grove Clinic.

We run a dedicated child vaccination clinic on a Tuesday morning, If a Tuesday morning is difficult to attend we can arrange an appointment for our practice nurse here at the surgery on another day.

For further information on childhood vaccinationsᅠyou can visit the NHS Choices website.


Coughs are very common, they are generally caused by infection or inflammation affecting the lower airways, most are viral.ᅠAgain, plenty of fluids and paracetamol are the most effective remedies to be used in the first instance.

Only if the cough becomes prolonged or troublesome should you seek an appointment with the Doctor as this may have become a chest infection.ᅠIf you have an underlying chest disorder you will need to see the Doctor more urgently.


Children often run temperatures with no symptoms.ᅠ They need to be cooled down and given paracetamol suspension or paediatric ibuprofen and they will feel better.ᅠ If this does not work in 24 hours please ring the surgery and speak to the Doctor who will give the necessary advice or see your child.


The common cold is an infection caused by a virus. There is still no cure and sufferers will feel much more comfortable if they drink plenty of fluids and take Paracetamol (Paracetamol/ibuprofen suspension for Children). Most colds can be treated by yourself at home. There is no need to visit the Doctor for an uncomplicated cold as antibiotics will not aid recovery.

Sore Throats

Tonsillitis begins with a pain in the throat which causes soreness on swallowing.ᅠ There may also be a temperature and sometimes enlarged lymph glands in the neck.ᅠ Most sore throats are caused by a virus infection so the first treatment should be rest, plenty of warm drinks which are soothing and regular Paracetamol (Paracetamol/ibuprofen suspension for Children).

Most sore throats begin to disappear after three or four days, but if your symptoms then persist or get worse, it may be worth visiting the doctor so that you can be checked for other causes such as bacterial infection (which may respond to antibiotics) or glandular fever.ᅠ The doctor should also be consulted if earache develops and persists or if there is an associated headache, vomiting or rash despite adequate treatment with fluids and Paracetamol.

If you cannot swallow, you should see the Doctor.

Burns and Scalds

Rapid treatment of burns and scalds can help to prevent serious harm.ᅠCold water should be poured over the skin immediately and continued for several minutes to cool the area. If the burn is large and the skin becomes broken where there is severe blistering, then a doctor should be consulted at casualty.ᅠ Aloe vera gel can be very helpful when applied to burns.


Vomiting (which may be associated with diarrhoea) is often caused by a viral infection.ᅠSome children vomit when they have a high temperature, e.g. with chest infections or ear infections.

The best treatment is to eat nothing, but drink frequent small quantities of clear fluids adding a dry biscuit and toast as the stomach settles.ᅠIf the stomach pain is severe or if the temperature remains high with headache and rash then or the vomiting continues for several hours consult a doctor without delay.


Diarrhoea can be caused by a viral infection passed from person to person or by food poisoning from eating infected food. Most diarrhoea clears itself after a few days, but can be unpleasant while it lasts and is often associated with abdominal cramps and sometimes vomiting as well.

When diarrhoea occurs you should not eat but drink plenty of clear fluids like water, diluted fruit juice or special sachets for drinks available from the chemist. If the diarrhoea or vomiting prevents adequate fluids being taken in, then the doctor should be consulted. Young babies can become dehydrated very easily and if you are at all unsure you should contact the Doctor immediately.

The doctor is always happy to give advice over the telephone and in cases of doubt will decide if an appointment is necessary.


Most nosebleeds occur from one side or other of the nose. Apply continuous pressure from the outside with your finger, pressing quite hard on the soft part of the nose to stop the bleeding, and continuing pressure for a full ten minutes, with the nose tilted forward, timing this with a watch. This will normally stop the bleeding, if not consult a doctor at casualty. Do NOT tilt the head backwards.

Cuts and Grazes

Minor cuts and grazes can be safely treated at home. The area should be cleaned by washing and by the application of an antiseptic solution. Most grazes can be left dry and uncovered to heal. Larger cuts often bleed freely. This can be stopped in most cases by applying gentle pressure continuously with a piece of clean gauze or a clean cotton handkerchief and a plaster applied to keep the area clean and dry.

If the cut is deep with continuous bleeding, always seek medical advice from the surgery or casualty department at your local hospital.

Head Lice

These are very common.ᅠContact the health visitor at the health centre or your local Pharmacy.

Thread Worms

These are very common in children. It is worth checking to see if others in the family are affected. Always treat only the family, not just member affected. Treatments are available from the Chemist.

Insect Bites

The redness and irritation caused by insect bites can be eased with local application of Calamine or antihistamine lotions such as Anthisan. If pain, swelling or redness worsens after a few days, then the bite may have become infected and an appointment with the doctor should be made.


Chickenpox is a viral illness which begins as a red spotty rash which then develops small blisters in the centre of each spot. Over the next three to four days further patches and blisters will appear and the earlier ones turn crusty into a scab and then fall off.

These are often intensely itchy and most sufferers have a mild temperature and cold-like symptoms for a few days before the rash arrives. Patients are infectious from two days before the rash appears and until the last blister scabs over. Patients, particularly children, should try and avoid scratching the scabs as this can cause scars.

If an adult contracts ChickenPox, they should contact the surgery for advice.

German Measles (Rubella)

A pink rash appears on the neck, body, arms and legs associated with mild malaise and some aching in the joints. The rash is not itchy. The illness is mild and lasts only a couple of days and is not dangerous except when contracted by pregnant women as it may affect the unborn baby unless the mother has previously been vaccinated.

If you think you or your child may have measles, mumps or rubella THEY WILL NEED TO BE SEEN BY A DOCTORᅠas these are Notifiable Diseases. You will need to explain to the receptionist on booking that you suspect one of the above and when you arrive, you will be asked to wait in an isolated area away from the main waiting room.


This is characterised by swelling of one or other of the parotid glands in front of one ear followed after a day or two by swelling by the other side. This is a viral illness and should be treated with Paracetamol and fluids and medical attention sought if severe.

If you think you or your child may have measles, mumps or rubella THEY WILL NEED TO BE SEEN BY A DOCTOR as these are Notifiable Diseases. You will need to explain to the receptionist on booking that you suspect one of the above and when you arrive, you will be asked to wait in an isolated area away from the main waiting room.


This is a more severe illness with a red blotchy rash appearing on the face and body after three or four days of a flu-like illness. This illness is caused by a virus and treatment is by Paracetamol and fluids.

If you think you or your child may have measles, mumps or rubella THEY WILL NEED TO BE SEEN BY A DOCTOR as these are Notifiable Diseases. You will need to explain to the receptionist on booking that you suspect one of the above and when you arrive, you will be asked to wait in an isolated area away from the main waiting room.

Non-urgent advice: Useful leaflets – click on links below:

When Should I Worry? – Your guide to coughs, colds, earache and sore throats

The Little Orange Book – for some valuable advice on helping babies when they’re poorly. Keep it saved as a bookmark or print off for safe keeping.