Neurodivergent Patients

Neurodiversity is a term which describes natural differences in thinking across populations.  We are all different and we all learn and communicate differently.   We are therefore all neurodiverse.

Neurodivergence is the state of being neurodivergent – this is someone who thinks, communicates, processes and or learns things differently from the majority of the population.

Autism, ADHD and Dyslexia are all forms of neurodivergence.

Some people may be happy to share their diagnosis or self-identification and others may wish to keep this private but it is important that we all try to understand everyone’s differences and build a safe and happy environment for all.  Anyone can be neurodivergent and some people may not realise they are until later in life.

All the team at Beech House are completing the Oliver McGowan training on Learning Disability and Autism, this is delivered by trainers with lived experience of learning disability and autism.

We are working to make Beech House a more welcoming and safe environment for our neurodivergent patients and are looking at ways to improve your experience when you need to contact us or visit the practice.  

Information –


Autism Spectrum Disorder




Great Minds Together 

Great Minds Together support children and young people with special educational needs and social, emotional and mental health needs as well as their families and the professional networks around them.  The age range of the young people we can support is 0-25 years old.  There is no age range for support to their families.

Website links to Mind – mental health charity support:  

Autism & mental health –

ADHD & mental health –